Youth Piano

Art Project

A joint venture with the Nativity School and Main IDEA

On Friday, September 9th, 2022 our FBC Worship Art & Music team (WAM) collaborated with Main IDEA to host students from the Nativity School for a project to bring art and music to our community. Students from grades 5-8 gathered in the FBC parking lot to paint 7 upright pianos. Students were divided into small groups by grade with one adult leader. Each group planned together the design they wanted their piano to feature and then got down to the business of bringing their design to life. Many designs celebrated Pride, Black Lives Matter, and the city of Worcester. One piano will remain at FBC, two will be placed at the Nativity School, and the rest will be placed in various locations around the city for the community to enjoy both their visual and musical beauty.

Want to experience these pianos yourself? Click below to see their locations!